Instant Car Valuation
Lifecycle Check-Up

Northpoint Lifecycle Check-Up

Cars are expensive items, so it makes sense to help you understand where your vehicle is at it in terms of its current value and future costs, to help you decide when the most financially beneficial time to consider changing your vehicle might be.

Northpoint Lifecycle Check-Up Explained

Lifecycle Check-Up is Quick and Easy

Lifecycle Check-Up is Quick and Easy

Best time to change your vehicle

Our Lifecycle Check-up helps you understand where your vehicle is at in it’s lifecycle. This includes your vehicle’s residual value, projected future costs (once capped price servicing expires), as well as current vehicle repayments. With this information, we can help you decide when the most financially beneficial time to consider changing or upgrading may be.

Lifecycle Check-Up is Quick and Easy

Upgrading may be cheaper than you think

Often, people don’t even realise that upgrading to that bigger model, or new-spec vehicle with Toyota Access may even lower their vehicle repayments! With TSA Capped Price Servicing and the decreased running costs of a new model vehicle, swapping into a new vehicle has never been more attainable!

Lifecycle Check-Up

Match your vehicle to lifestyle needs

Northpoint Toyota understands that lifestyle changes can mean that maybe your current vehicle isn’t the most suited to your needs anymore. A growing family, retirement or even landing that promotion can mean changing to a different vehicle makes much more sense!

Lifecycle Check-Up

It only takes 10 minutes

Before your appointment, our team will prepare a report outlining your current and future vehicle costs, along with your current finance rate and vehicle repayments if applicable. In the appointment, we will compare this information with the costs and repayments of changing over to a different vehicle.

Want to know more about the Northpoint Toyota Lifecycle Check-Up?

Make an appointment with our Sales Team today.

What is Toyota Access?

You could trade in your old model for the very latest model for the same, or lower, regular monthly repayments* with Toyota Access. Toyota Access is a loan that gives you a fixed interest rate, locked repayments, and a Guaranteed Future Value (GFV)^ on your new Toyota. 

Guaranteed Future Value (GFV)

Right from the start of your loan, you’ll know your Toyota’s GFV and this amount is equal to the final payment due at the end of the loan. It also means your regular, monthly loan repayments over the loan term are kept low.

What happens at the end of my loan?

When your Toyota Access loan term ends, it’s up to you what you do next. You can trade in your Toyota for a new one, keep it by settling the remaining loan balance (including the final payment) or return it. If you decide to return your Toyota, then Toyota Finance will put the GFV towards the remaining balance on your loan.

^The Guaranteed Future Value (GFV) is the minimum value of your new or approved demonstrator Toyota at the end of your finance contract, as determined by Toyota Finance. If you decide to return your car to Toyota at the end of your term, Toyota Finance will pay you the agreed GFV, which will be put against your final payment subject to fair wear and tear conditions and agreed kilometres being met. The information provided is general in nature. You should seek your own financial advice to determine whether Toyota Access is appropriate for your individual circumstances.

*Lower monthly repayments compared to a similar term with no Guaranteed Future Value (GFV) or equivalent balloon final payment. Total interest charges will be higher if a GFV or balloon final payment is selected.